Developing and Designing
Thriving Organisations

Here’s how we help

Organisation Development

Our organisation design and development work focuses on helping our clients deliver their strategy by evolving their culture.

This work begins by highlighting the cultural dynamics present in every organisation and then uses our trademarked Thrive Model to help identify key levers and interventions required for culture transformation.

Our organisational development approach


Our culture diagnostic helps organisations identify the potential opportunities and current barriers to thriving and organisational performance.

transformation map

Our culture map is developed in partnership with our client to identify clear short and long-term interventions to evolve a thriving culture.


Our culture coaching supports leaders to foster the practices and behaviours to deliver the outcomes identified in the culture map.

Organisation Development Consulting

Our work in organisation design and development focuses primarily on culture transformation. We draw on our trademarked Thrive Model that identifies the foundational elements of thriving cultures. Our work in organisational culture is designed in partnership with our client to ensure that the culture work is in service to the organisation’s purpose and strategy. Our culture work draws on a range of culture models appropriate for the client and we also ensure alignment with existing embedded initiatives such as Agile and Six Sigma.

The Thrive Model

The Thrive Model

The Thrive Model encompasses six integral elements for achieving both group performance and overall wellbeing.

Our model is sensitive to the reality of being human, including the biological factors, which often exert more influence than we think on team effectiveness and social dynamics in realms ranging from business and sports teams to political movements.

Culture coaching

Our culture coaching services are based on a clear and implementable culture transformation map. To bring the desired culture to life, leaders may need to be equipped with new behaviours and skills.

As part of the culture map, we work individually or in teams (or both) to help leaders develop these new capabilities and fast-track the stickiness of the desired culture.

“In 4 days’ work we got a year’s worth of culture.”

Stephen Catlin, Chairman and CEO of Convex Insurance

“In 4 days’ work we got a year’s worth of culture.”

Stephen Catlin, Chairman and CEO of Convex Insurance


Building belonging: Convex

The Challenge

Building belonging and connection for 500 people in a financial services firm through a series of learning workshops over 1.5 days. We were asked to design an unforgettable event that would bolster a sense of belonging buffeted by the pandemic, remote working and rapid growth.

The gathering to be informed by science and shaped by creativity.  To involve everyone from the chairman through to the newest recruit. To be joyful, surprising, provocative, relational and celebratory.

The Outcome

Drawing on the Thompson Harrison Collective of artists, actors, ceramicists, professors, designers, musicians, choreographers, magicians, historians, writers and philosophers, we designed an unforgettable immersive shared experience.  

Using the research behind our Thrive Model to build bonds of belonging - we laughed, sang, learned, feasted, danced, told stories and made things together.  The result? Stronger foundations of trust, discretionary effort and psychological safety: the conditions for performance, innovation and impact.

Interested in delivering your strategy through a shared culture?

Would you like to identify clear interventions to evolve a thriving culture? We would love to help you diagnose your current culture, and map and deliver your aspirational culture. Discover how our trademarked Thrive Model can help identify key levers and interventions required for culture transformation.

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